Friday, 9 August 2013

In which I am two tonsils lighter

I sit listening to the Proms on Radio 3 in a codeine haze. My throat is aflame, my head is swimming and I seem to have lost all capacity to make decisions. I have started writing this blog post four times now and there's no guarantee I'm not going to start again in a minute.

How did things go? They went well. 'Uncomplicated' was how the nice lady surgeon described it, and if I'm honest the throat pain still hasn't reached the heights of a really bad bout of tonsillitis. Still, to quote lady surgeon again, 'it's the sort of thing that gets worse before it gets better'. And when the combo of codeine, liquid ibuprofen and soluble paracetamol wears off it really is unpleasant swallowing. There's no way to lie on my back and breathe at the same time, and lying on my side hurts the throat after a few minutes, so sitting up is how I got most of my sleep last night. I can eat reasonably easily shortly after a codeine hit, so things aren't terrible for the time being. But never mind that, here's the hard evidence.

Mmm, attractive. Those white bits are the scabs, which I think are with me for the next week at least. When they come off there's supposedly one last peak of pain, and then I am most of the way there.

I'll write a bit more about yesterday's events at some point, but for now let me just say that while the NHS might have its knockers - and its serious problems - every single part of yesterday was excellent from a service point of view. Kind, patient, informed, reasonable.

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